Sometimes, when I get bored, I play a little game: I ask myself if I could only visit ten more countries ever in my life, which ones would I choose?


Gah!  That is a way more difficult decision for me than it probably is for most people.  While I’ve been fortunate enough to see a lot of amazing places around the world, I’m by no means finished, and narrowing down my aspirations to just ten countries is downright wrenching.  But it does provide some good entertainment and food for thought, as well as help me shine a light on where my travel dreams, and priorities, really lie.  I suppose you could call my chosen ten countries an abbreviated version of my bucket list.


In the travel world, the whole concept of the bucket list can be quite controversial. Some people swear by them; others decry them as an artificial construct that reduces travel to nothing but checking items off a list rather than seeking out surprising new places, being spontaneous, and having authentic experiences.  Those criticisms are fair enough; that said, I’m a bucket list girl, myself. I can’t help it.  I have always been kind of an obsessive orderer of my universe, and I love to have a plan.  For me, planning a voyage is half as much fun as going on one!


So yes, I have a bucket list of sorts (which may or may not be written down in my Iphone notes section just so I don’t ever forget the places I want to see).  But believe me, it’s a lot longer than ten countries.  So, playing along for a few minutes—if I did have to limit myself to this number, which places would make the cut?


Melissa’s (Inevitable and Abbreviated) Bucket List—In Reverse Order, Because That’s More Exciting…


10) East Africa

This is probably a bit of an odd choice for me, because I’m one of those weird travelers who has absolutely no desire to go on a safari.  I mean, if the opportunity arose I wouldn’t turn it down, but I’ve never particularly wanted to get into a jeep and stalk wild animals on a dusty road in the middle of nowhere.  Not my scene.

However, since I visited South Africa last year, I’ve developed a much deeper interest in Africa and I really want to go back and explore more of the continent—different countries, a different region altogether.  I’d be interested in Kenya or Ethiopia, but if I had to pick just one country as per the game, I’d go with Tanzania, since the photos I’ve seen of Zanzibar island look too magical to be real.  Someday!

9)  Brazil—But not at Carnevale, thanks. Loud partying crowds stress me out and I’m not 21 anymore.  But I’m all for discovering the legendary beaches, waterfalls, and fruit juices. And no major time zone change! Hurray!

8)  Costa Rica—This one has been on my list for a while. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it, most of them revolving around nature, animals, jungle and ziplining, all of which sound interesting.  But I must admit it’s the beaches that draw me most.  And the relative proximity; it’s one of the few places on my list that aren’t halfway across the globe. So I’m saving it for when I want a relatively easy and painless but still amazing and exotic trip.

7) India—Mysterious, complex, loud, overwhelming, frustrating, fascinating, and exotic.  So exotic.  India doesn’t top my personal bucket list, but it’s solidly in the middle.  I want to go when I have at least a few weeks to really explore and do it justice—Rajastan, Jaipur, Mumbai, Goa.  A nice long, luxurious train ride through some epic scenery.  And of course, the Taj Mahal, and lots and lots of (Indian) food and yoga.

6) New Zealand—I owe my newfound desire to explore New Zealand from top to bottom solely to one person: Young Adventuress.  Seriously, until I stumbled on her blog a few months ago, I had zero interest in going to New Zealand (so far away, and how different could it be from Australia anyway?)  Well, I am now ashamed of my former profound ignorance about New Zealand, and am rapidly devouring YA’s website posts about Kiwi life, most of which feature so-staggering-they-look-fake snowcapped mountain ranges and big blue pools in the middle of nowhere.  I’m a convert.  I’m going!

5) Australia—Great Barrier Reef.  Enough said.  (Except for the Whitsunday Islands.  Got to check those out too).

4) Vietnam—Vietnam is another country that’s only recently popped onto my radar and seems determined to stay in the upper tier of my bucket list till I actually make my visit happen (which if all goes as planned, will hopefully be next year).  I’ve heard about the charming cities, the affordable luxury, the kind-hearted people and the incredible food.  But what really pulls me in and won’t let go is Ha Long Bay.  Those giant rocks rising out of the sea, amid a screen of fog that casts everything in the light of mystery and undiscovered beauty.  If I see nothing else in Vietnam (and don’t worry, I will), I will absolutely experience that magical spot.

3) Slovenia—Ah, Slovenia.  How has this trip not happened yet? I’ve come so close so many times! I’ve traveled through Italy and Croatia, your next-door neighbors.  I almost pulled the trigger and booked a weekend trip to Ljubljana while I was living in London, but decided on Krakow at the last minute (not that I regret this, as Krakow is wonderful).  But somehow, I’ve still never made it to this beautiful jewel of a land in Central Europe where lakes and mountains and waterfalls and beaches and wine abound, where the photographs are so beautiful they almost hurt my eyes, where there are apparently so many shades of blue in the water that you could spend your entire time there sitting back and counting them all.  I’ve decided, as with Vietnam, that next year is the year for Slovenia.  No more excuses.  This is happening.  I’m coming, Slovenia!

2) Bali—A lush, beautiful, mysterious island loaded with gorgeous beaches, magical foliage, and spas. So many spas.  I am a craven lover of luxury, so you better believe that if there’s a spa involved, I’m in.  That being said, the natural beauty and culture of Bali have already tugged at my heart, and while I’d like to explore even more of Indonesia, Bali is at the top of the list.  I don’t care if it’s a cliché by now…if I haven’t been there, it’s new to me.  This is one trip that’s got a solid timeframe on it: my next milestone birthday, I’m there.  (Not on my actual birthday because that’s too close to a major holiday.  But right afterward!)

`1) Russia/China/Mongolia and the Trans-Siberian Express

I know, I know, that’s cheating because it’s technically three countries, but so what? Is there any adventure more legendary, epic, or enticing than hopping on the Trans-Siberian Express and crossing nearly half the world’s land surface on a six-day train ride?  I can’t think of one.  Russia has been calling to me for years—it’s my “I’m so embarrassed I haven’t been there yet” country—but as much as I want to see Moscow and St. Petersburg, why stop there? Why not just take a train journey across the whole country, stopping off in little villages from European Russia to Siberia and popping into Lake Baikal for a dip?  I can’t even write about it any more without making myself hopelessly travel-lusty, so I’ll stop there.  For me, the Trans-Siberian Express will always be the ultimate bucket list item—so much so that I’ll be almost sorry to complete it.  But not quite.


What’s on your bucket list, if you have one?  Share all the where’s and why’s, please!